🎴 Tarot decks that are suitable for beginners 🌟

🎴 Tarot decks that are suitable for beginners 🌟

Choosing the right tarot deck is key to developing your reading skills, especially if you are a beginner. Here are some tarot decks that are highly recommended for those new to tarot reading:

1. Rider-Waite Tarot Deck 🎴


The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, created by Arthur Edward Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith, was first published in 1909. This deck is renowned for its detailed and straightforward imagery, which has become the standard for many tarot decks that followed.

Why It's Great for Beginners

  • Clear Symbolism: The images in each card are rich with symbolism, providing clear visual cues that help beginners understand and remember the meanings.
  • Widely Referenced: Most tarot books and online resources use the Rider-Waite deck as a reference, making it easier to find learning materials.
  • Traditional Structure: The deck follows the traditional structure of the tarot, with 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards divided into four suits.

Example Cards

  • The Fool: Represents new beginnings and a fresh start.
  • The Magician: Symbolizes skill, resourcefulness, and the power of manifestation.

2. The Modern Witch Tarot Deck 🧙‍♀️


The Modern Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle is a modern reimagining of the classic Rider-Waite deck. It features diverse and inclusive imagery that resonates well with contemporary readers.

Why It's Great for Beginners

  • Modern Aesthetic: The illustrations are vibrant and modern, making the deck visually appealing and relatable for today’s readers.
  • Diversity: The deck includes a wide range of characters, promoting inclusivity and representation.
  • Guidebook: Comes with a guidebook that helps beginners understand the meanings of each card.

Example Cards

  • The High Priestess: Depicts a modern, empowered woman, symbolizing intuition and inner wisdom.
  • The Empress: Represents fertility, abundance, and nurturing energy.

3. The Everyday Tarot Deck 🌟


The Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont and illustrated by Eleanor Grosch is known for its minimalist design and compact size. The deck is designed to be accessible and easy to use.

Why It's Great for Beginners

  • Minimalist Design: The simple, elegant illustrations focus on essential symbols, making it easier to interpret the cards.
  • Compact Size: Smaller cards are easier to handle, shuffle, and carry around.
  • Comprehensive Guidebook: The included guidebook provides straightforward explanations and practical advice for using the deck.

Example Cards

  • The Lovers: Simplified imagery focusing on the core themes of love and union.
  • The Chariot: Represents determination, control, and willpower.

4. The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck 🐾


The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck by Kim Krans is noted for its unique, hand-drawn illustrations that emphasize nature and animal imagery. This deck is particularly favored for its artistic beauty and intuitive approach to reading.

Why It's Great for Beginners

  • Intuitive Reading: The abstract and symbolic art encourages readers to rely on their intuition.
  • Connection to Nature: The focus on animals and natural elements provides a grounding and meditative quality.
  • Guidebook: The accompanying guidebook offers deep insights into the cards' meanings and how to interpret them.

Example Cards

  • The Hermit: Often depicted as a lone animal, symbolizing introspection and solitude.
  • The Wheel of Fortune: Illustrated with natural cycles and elements, representing change and destiny.

5. The Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot Deck 🌞


The Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot Deck is a vibrant version of the classic Rider-Waite deck, with enhanced colors and clearer illustrations.

Why It's Great for Beginners

  • Enhanced Colors: The bright and vivid colors make the imagery more engaging and easier to interpret.
  • Traditional Imagery: Retains the traditional symbols and structure of the original Rider-Waite deck.
  • Widely Available: Like the original Rider-Waite, it’s easy to find resources and learning materials.

Example Cards

  • The Sun: Bright and cheerful, symbolizing success, vitality, and joy.
  • The Star: Enhanced with radiant colors, representing hope and inspiration.


Each of these decks offers unique features that cater to beginners, from traditional symbolism and modern interpretations to minimalist designs and intuitive readings. By choosing a deck that resonates with you visually and emotionally, you can enhance your tarot learning experience and develop a deeper connection with the cards.

✨ Ready to start your tarot journey? Explore our collection of beginner-friendly tarot decks here and find the perfect deck

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